Are you looking for a better way to dispose of your hazardous waste? Whether it's a gas, liquid, or solid material, without an appropriate chemical waste disposal plan, you may be causing harm to not only your own health but also the environment.
Not following appropriate chemical waste disposal methods can impact surface soil. It's even more severe if it interacts with drinking water supplies as it can cause harm to both animals and humans in the local community.
So what is the safest way to discard any chemical and hazardous waste? You could search for chemical waste disposal services and leave it up to them to figure out, or you can follow these tips from the experts to make sure you're safe at all times.
1. Identify What Chemical Waste You Produce
Before you can start strategizing on how to dispose of chemical waste, you need to know what type of hazardous materials you're dealing with. This will help determine how to appropriately handle and unload it.
You should take inventory of all of the gases, liquids, and solid materials you dispose of and classify them as hazardous or extremely hazardous. If you're not sure if it fits into a category, then you're best to check in with a professional. Once you've identified all of the chemical components, you're ready to move on to the next step.
2. Know The Rules and Regulations
The Environment Protection Agency has strict regulations when it comes to disposing and recycling hazardous waste. However, you also need to be aware of any state or county laws that might also apply. They may also have specific programs that might be able to assist with your situation.
Failure to appropriately dispose of chemical waste or follow the state specific rules and regulations can result in significant fines. Some penalties are up to $70,117 per day for each violation and are often issued by the EPA. There's also a potential that your business could get shut down, which will cost you even more money.
3. Assign a Hazardous Waste Storage Area
Designating a specific location to dispose of chemical waste can make the process simpler for everyone involved. The key to a good site is somewhere that's easy to access for parties involved in the disposal process and is recognized as a hazardous area. Some other key elements you should consider include whether:
It's close to where the majority of the waste is generated
It’s accessible to trained personnel only
The area doesn't interfere with business operations
There is clear signage highlighting it as a hazardous area
4. Follow Proper Storage Methods
There are key storage methods you must follow to safely contain the harmful elements of the materials. For starters, you should only use leak-proof containers compatible with the hazardous components.
You should also ensure that the chemical waste does not come into any contact with non-harmful elements. Avoiding this reduces the risk of a reaction or some type of corrosion to the container. It can also impact the ability to recycle some of the waste.
Make sure to always keep the storage containers away from any objects that can puncture or cause damage to it. You should also ensure all of the containers are securely closed and only ever opened to add more waste. Be sure to label everything, so you know exactly what you're disposing of.
5. Consider the Environmental Impacts
While creating a waste disposal plan often includes how to remove any hazardous materials safely, you also need to consider all environmental impacts as part of your strategy. Not only will this look favorably upon your business, but it will also ensure that you don't contribute to reducing the lifespan of the Earth.
If you're partnering with a waste management service, your questions should include understanding the part they play in reducing the impact of chemical and hazardous waste on the planet. Understanding this may then help you with your own methods and strategies for a sustainable workplace.
6. Investigate Waste Recycling
Not all of your chemical waste needs to get disposed of. There are options to recycle and reuse these materials, which is a lot more beneficial for the environment. It also has business benefits too.
Recycling these materials means less waste gets sent for disposal or treatment. There are also fewer requirements for incinerators and landfills, leading to less energy usage and even less pollution getting produced.
7. Choose a Chemical Waste Disposal Provider
Choosing a responsible chemical waste disposal partner should be no different from hiring a new employee. There are several questions you'll want answers to before you get them on board to handle your waste disposal. Some of these questions include:
How long have you been in business?
Have you ever been involved in a contamination situation?
What is your history with environmental compliance?
Have you ever received any fines or penalties?
Do you have all the necessary permits?
Do you have the necessary insurance?
How to Find Chemical Waste Disposal Services Near Me
While it's important for you to have a chemical waste disposal strategy for your business, it's just as critical to partner with a provider who can discard or recycle these materials safely on your behalf. The right service should not only take care of your hazardous material but advise you on how to store and capture these chemicals responsibly on-site.
No matter what your hazardous waste needs are, we can help. We're experts in chemical waste disposal and even have experience in emergency situations such as spills and leaks. Contact us today for all your waste disposal needs.